Day of Defenders of Ukraine

The Day of Defenders of Ukraine is commemorated yearly in October, with this year marking the ninth of heroes repelling Russian aggression. It is a significant national holiday in Ukraine that honours the courage and dedication of the country’s defenders. The day serves as a tribute to the brave men and women who have safeguarded Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.

Defenders of Ukraine | Defenders Day (Ukraine) | День захисників і захисниць України | Сила нескорених | Day of the Defenders of Ukraine | Day of Ukrainian Defenders
Postage stamp "Day of Defender of Ukraine". Design by Volodymyr Taran.

Day of Defenders of Ukraine, 2023

День захисників і захисниць України, 2023

The Day of Defenders of Ukraine is a highly symbolic day of unity and resilience, highlighting the unwavering spirit of the Ukrainian people in the face of various challenges across history. It is a time for reflection, gratitude, and solidarity with those who have contributed to the defence and security of Ukraine, both in times of peace and conflict.

Defenders of Ukraine | Defenders Day (Ukraine) | День захисників і захисниць України | Сила нескорених | Day of the Defenders of Ukraine | Day of Ukrainian Defenders
112th Territorial Defense Brigade (photo: Emeric Lhuisset) recreating the "Zaporozhian Cossacks write to the Sultan of Turkey" by Ilya Repin.



Defenders Day of Ukraine was established on October 14, 2014, by then-President Petro Poroshenko. The following year, the day was declared a public holiday and non-working day across the country. In 2021 President Zelenskyy officially changed the name of the date from «День захисника України» to «День захисників і захисниць України», a move which explicitly included the female Defenders of Ukraine. 

In accordance with the new Reformation of Church calendars, President Zelenskyy amended the date of Defenders Day from October 14 to October 1, making this year the first celebration on this new date.

Defenders of Ukraine | Defenders Day (Ukraine) | День захисників і захисниць України | Сила нескорених | Day of the Defenders of Ukraine | Day of Ukrainian Defenders
Defenders of Ukraine. Drawing by Yuriy Zhuravel.

A Minute's Silence

Хвилина мовчання

On Sunday 1 October, 2023, a large-scale minute’s silence will be held at 9am to honour those who gave their lives to defending Ukraine.

Sometimes silence can say more than any words. This Sunday, October 1, Ukraine will for the first time celebrate the day of its defenders on a new date. All those who fight for the sake of the state. All those who add strength to Ukraine. All those who gave their lives for the sake of Ukraine. And this Sunday, for the first time, all of Ukraine will stop for a minute to silently honour the feat of our people who died defending our state and Ukrainians.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Вітаємо всіх захисників і захисниць України, які щодня роблять неймовірне задля нашої з вами Перемоги! 

Щира вдячність Захисникам і Захисницям України за світанок, за новий день. Боже, бережи Україну, Захисників і Захисниць України, кожну родину.

Congratulations to all the defenders of Ukraine who do incredible things every day for our Victory!

Sincere gratitude to the Defenders of Ukraine for the dawn, for the new day. May God protect Ukraine, the Defenders of Ukraine, and every family.
