Dancing with Dates: The Ukrainian Christmas Calendar

Embark on a journey through time as we unravel the intricate dance of dates in the Ukrainian Christmas Calendar. If you’ve found yourself twirling in confusion about the recent changes, join us as we break down the transitions and guide you through the rhythm of celebrating Ukrainian Christmas.

In recent years, the date of Christmas in Ukraine has become a subject of debate. This year marks a significant change for Christians of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine as they celebrate Christmas on December 25 for the first time, shifting from the traditional date of January 7. This alteration is part of a broader transition to the new church calendar, initiated on September 1, 2023, affecting the timing of various holidays.
Both the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church now follow this new calendar, resulting in the celebration of most holidays occurring 13 days earlier than before. Prior to this transition, these churches observed religious holidays according to the Julian calendar, which lags behind by 13 days.

The new calendar: How holiday dates change
Новий календар: Як змінюються дати свят
Following the calendar switch, most holiday dates will now take place 13 days earlier. This means that День Святого Миколая (St. Nicholas Day) will change from December 19 to December 6, Святий Вечір (Christmas Eve) from January 6 to December 24, and Різдво Христове (Christmas Day) from January 7 to December 25. Водохреще (Epiphany) also shifts from January 21 to January 6.

December 25 or January 7?
25 грудня чи 7 січня?
The move marks a big change for Ukrainians across the world. The shift in timing might evoke a range of sentiments, from a sense of continuity with age-old traditions to a subtle disorientation brought about by the departure from the accustomed schedule. For many, the change represents not only a recalibration of the calendar but also an emotional journey as they reconcile the old with the new, weaving the fabric of their festive experiences with threads of both continuity and adaptation.
According to a recent survey by the sociological group “Rating”, 42% of Ukrainians plan to celebrate Christmas on December 25, and over 20% will celebrate on both days.

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Marta Wasylkewycz
I’m not going to change the dates.
Anastasiia H
We will celebrate both dates to keep the tradition