Ukrainian Easter Traditions

Easter is a time of celebration and renewal, and nowhere is this more true than in Ukraine. From the colourful Pysanky eggs to the sweet aroma of freshly baked Paska bread, Ukrainian Easter traditions are a vibrant and important celebration to mark the resurrection of Christ.

Ukrainians start spiritual preparation for Easter 40 days before the holiday. This is when Great Lent begins – a time of giving up meat, dairy food, and eggs, as well as a time of spirituality.
Willow Sunday | Вербна Неділя
Willow Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and the Easter preparations in Ukraine. Known in other countries as Palm Sunday, this is a day of deep significance and importance in Ukraine. All over the country you will see people carrying branches of pussy willow, which they bring to a Church Service to be blessed. After the service, it is traditional to tap one another with the willow branches to encourage good health. This act is accompanied with several different phrases, depending on which region you are from:
Не я б’ю — верба б’є, За тиждень Великдень, Недалечко червоне яєчко!
I don’t beat – the willow beats, Easter is in a week, the red egg is not far away!
Будь сильний, як вода, багатий, як земля, а здоровий, як верба.
Be strong as water, rich as the earth, and healthy as a willow tree.
The branches are then taken home and put in front of Holy images, before it is later placed in the Easter Basket. In some regions, it is customary for the father and eldest son to plant some of the branches in the garden. If they began to grow, it symbolised good luck for the family in the coming year.

Holy Week | Страсний тиждень
Holy Week begins after Willow Sunday, and lasts until Easter Sunday. During this time, it is common to observe a strict fast, regularly attend Church services, and prepare for Easter. It is during Holy Week that traditional Easter components are made, such as the traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs Pysanky and Krashanky, alongside the baking of the Paska (Easter Bread).

Holy Thursday
Великий Четвер
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday as it is known in English, is a day to commemorate Christ’s passion. On this day, it is customary to clean the entire house in preparation for the upcoming main days of Holy Week – which is why it is sometimes called Чистий четвер (Clean Thursday). All housework must be completed, as no work is permitted after this date.

Traditionally, the baking of the Easter bread – known as Paska – takes place on this Thursday after lunch. However, as time evolves it is becoming increasingly common to continue this tradition on different days, as long as it is ready in time to include in the Easter Basket! The baking of the Paska is a highly symbolic event with many rituals. In the past, a stove as in the image above was used, with some branches of the consecrated pussy willow also thrown in to the fire. The woman baking the bread would change into clean clothes and also pray. The process is accompanied with songs and a cheerful mood, as Ukrainians believe that such dishes should only be prepared when you are in a good mood!

Paska or Babka? | Паска чи бабка? You may have heard people refer to the Easter Bread as Babka, but what is that? The name is basically all down to which region you are from in Ukraine! If you are keen to learn more, there is more information available in Ukrainian here.

The Passion Candle, Страсна свічка, is a candle lit during the Church service on Holy Thursday and is one of the most common amulets in Ukraine. There is an ancient custom to carry the burning candle home after the evening service, and make a cross out of the smoke above the threshold of the door so that evil spirits would pass the house. It it also believed to protect the home from all harm and can also work miracles.

Good Friday
Страсна п'ятниця
Good Friday is a solemn day in Ukraine which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Divine Liturgy is not performed, instead the Gospel about the Passion of Christ is read in Church. The main rite on Good Friday is the removal of the Shroud, which symbolises the cloth in which Jesus Christ was wrapped after he was taken down from the Cross.
On this day of mourning, no manual labour is allowed and a strict fast is followed until the removal of the Shroud in Church. After returning from Church, the family sit at the table to have dinner. Dinner on Good Friday still observes the fast with no meat or dairy products permitted, traditionally even fish is not eaten.

Easter Saturday
Велика Субота
Holy Saturday, also known as Страсна субота, is traditionally a day of preparation. Depending on which region you are in, some families have their Easter baskets blessed on this day, whilst others do this on Easter Sunday morning. The contents of the Easter Basket are later enjoyed at the Easter Breakfast, the following morning. For more information about the Easter basket, check out our blog post here.

According to custom, Krashanky are prepared on Easter Saturday to avoid spoiling. Whilst many are familiar with traditional Ukrainian Pysanky, Krashanky (Крашанки) are another form of traditional Ukrainian Easter egg which are dyed a single colour. Typically this colour is red, which symbolises Christ’s blood, but other colours can also be used!

Easter Night | Великодня ніч
The night before Easter Sunday is highly symbolic. According to popular belief, you should not sleep on this night – just as Christmas and Kupala night. In ancient times, bonfires were lit although this is increasingly uncommon in modern times.

Easter Sunday
Великодня неділя
Traditionally, Easter Sunday begins at sunrise. The faithful will attend the Resurrection Services at Church. After the service, the Church bell is rung for the first time since Willow Sunday. In the past, one of the village boys was granted the high honour of doing this.
Easter Greetings | Великоднє привітання
The customary greeting for Easter is «Христос воскрес!» Christ has Risen! To which the response is: «Воістину воскрес!» Indeed, he has risen!
Easter Dishes | Великодні страви
Sunday morning consists of the Family Easter Breakfast, Великодній родинний сніданок, where the dishes consecrated in Church are enjoyed together. Most of the dishes that were not eaten during Lent are eaten, such as ham, sausage, cheese, butter, eggs, and so on.

Вітаємо з Великоднем!
We hope you enjoyed this guide to Ukrainian Easter Traditions! Do you have any traditions passed down in your family? Let us know in the comments below!