Ukrainian Vinyl Records Part 2: Traditions, History and Fun

Welcome to Part 2 of our new series of rediscovering old Ukrainian vinyl. After my Дідо passed away, these records became a cherished part of our family collection and hold a special place in my heart. I thought, why not share them with my followers! We have 16 vintage vinyl records, and to make it more enjoyable, we’ll break it down into a series of posts. Many of these records were produced on a small scale and have since been forgotten, so there is little information about them online. If you recognise a record or have any additional information, please comment below or reach out to Little Ukrainian Blog on social media!

1. Ukrainian Lemko - Wedding Songs and Dances
Released in 1965, this historical recording of Lemko Wedding Songs and Dances preserves traditional village songs. The album features the famous Canadian Verchovyna Ensemble and was recorded and made in the USA. The back cover also included the lyrics to the songs, which was quite unusual at the time.
Apon Label: 2626
Released: 1965
- Oj U Nas Veseli / In Our Village
- I Sam Neznam / Wedding Day
- Hej Pereberaj Janku / Looking For A Girl
- Hej Už Ja Sja Oženyv / Now I Am Married
- Oj Pryjd Do Nas / Come And See Me
- Što Sja červenije / The Apple Tree
- Ej Počarnily Hory / Dreaming About You
- Ej Hoj Padajut Jahody / Let’s Fall In Love
- Što Tobi Michale / What Happened – Michael
- Oj Zacvyly Fialočky / Blooming Violets
- Pobanuješ Myla / You Will Be Sorry
- Sobitky Z Lemkyvščyny / Selection Of Lemko Songs
- Kadyl Voda Išla / Where Water Flows

2. Україно - пісня моя
Ukraine - My Song
Featuring the Veriovka Choir, a trio of bandura players, the Baiko sisters & soloists of the Kyiv Opera, “Ukraine – My Song” is a collection of traditional folk songs. It was created by Boris Dniprovy (Борис Дніпровий), a composer and theatrical director. After emigrating to Canada, he issued over 30 vinyl LP’s on his joint label with the Ukrainian Art Society.
Label: Ukrainian Art Society BDS1010
Released: Unknown
- Руки Твої – Два Крила
- Нічка Цікава
- Там, Де Ятрань Круто В’ється
- Ой, У Полі Дві Тополі
- Ластовинки
- Баркарола
- Летять Ніби Чайки
- Ой, Зацвіли Фіялочки
- Розійшлись Дві Стежки
- Пішов Би Я В Ліс По Дрова
- Дам Я Яловицю
- Києве Мій

3. Веселі Пісні і Жарти України
Comic Songs & Jokes of Ukraine
A rather unusual LP, “Comic Songs & Jokes of Ukraine” has recordings of comic songs, monologues, and dialogues by Eugene Zukowsky. These were popular during the 1920’s when people would return from the mines and factories and listen to some robust humour. The front cover is an original glass painting by Yaroslava Surmach Mills.
Label: Request Records Inc.
Released: 1971
- Вальц зоня
- Кобили не дам
- Пише мені жінка
- Сам пʼю, сам гуляю
- Великий дифренц
- Без язикіи
- Мій смичок
- Десять параграфів
- Правді в куми
- Свати в шинку
- Самогонка
- Фальшиві слези
- Просьба до чоловіка
- Пів правди
- Ковалок грунту

4. Знов у Львові
In Lviv Again
“In Lviv Again” is an LP we cannot find any information on. We know the “L’Amour Jazz Orchestra” (Оркестра Амор) played on the LP, it was recorded in New York, and that they recorded other Ukrainian LP’s. That’s all we know. The album is in the genre of jazz/classical/folk and has the lyrics to two songs. Note: The vinyl label calls the album “The Night in Lviv” rather than “In Lviv Again”.
Apon Label: Arka Records 838
Released: Unknown
- Знов – у Львові
- Липи цвітуть
- Мовчання
- Русалка
- Карпатське
- Карпатське танґо
- Не завдавай мені жалю
- Серпневі ночі
- Чому?
- Весєлі зорі
- Карпатський вальс

5. Чорноморські Козаки
The Ukrainian Black Sea Cossacks
Every family in the Ukrainian diaspora in England will have this vinyl record, or at least heard of, the “Ukrainian Black Sea Cossacks”. Heralding from Stockport in the North West or England, this LP was also recorded there and optimizes the enthusiasm in the 70’s and 80’s of the diaspora bands.
Label: UBSC
Released: 1981
- Де гори Карпати
- Світи нісяць нічку
- Ой у полі верба
- Добрий вечір дівчино / казав мені батько
- Час утікає
- Я піду в далекі гори
- Стоїть явір над водою
- Я коня наповав
- Синя квітка
- Копав копав кирнеченьку
- Староста

Did you enjoy this post?
As we come to the end of Part 2 in this series, we hope that exploring these Ukrainian records has stirred up nostalgic memories, perhaps reminiscent of your childhood or your parents’ era.
If any of these records sparked a memory or if you have further information on one, we’d love to hear from you! Connect with us on social media or drop a comment below. We hope you enjoyed this post and are as eager as we are to continue sharing the music of our heritage. Part 3 is coming very soon!