Ukrainian Easter Blessing: Reviving Heritage at Hallmuir POW Chapel

On Sunday 5th May 2024, a Ukrainian Easter Blessing at Hallmuir POW Chapel in Lockerbie took place. Led by Father Chornenko, the Chapel held an intimate Ukrainian Easter Blessing, drawing a crowd that filled its pews to capacity for the first time in decades. The turnout was so large that some congregants even stood at the door to partake. Read on to discover the Ukrainian Easter Blessing traditions and experience the day through the gallery of photos.

Ukrainian Easter Blessing at Hallmuir PoW Chapel Lockerbie, Ukrainian POW Chapel, Ukrainian Easter, Hallmuir Chapel

The blessing began with participants filling the pews of the Chapel. As the start time approached, the Chapel reached maximum capacity, with attendees spilling into the standing area – a few even braving the drizzle near the open door. Following a poignant mass, congregants were treated to a poetry recital by Bogdan Fesyk, adding an extra layer of depth to the already touching atmosphere.

Consecration of the Baskets

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Each basket, carefully prepared with symbolic foods representing renewal and abundance, was presented for the Priest’s blessing. With Ukrainian prayer, Father Chornenko consecrated these offerings, anointing them with spiritual and communal blessings. As congregants watched on, the act of blessing the baskets became a poignant reminder of the enduring ties between faith, tradition, and community.

Ukrainian Easter Blessing at Hallmuir PoW Chapel Lockerbie, Ukrainian POW Chapel, Ukrainian Easter, Hallmuir Chapel
Ukrainian Easter Blessing at Hallmuir PoW Chapel Lockerbie, Ukrainian POW Chapel, Ukrainian Easter, Hallmuir Chapel, Priest blessing

After the blessing, the consecrated food and drinks were generously shared, ensuring everyone had their fill. Krashanky eggs were playfully bashed against each other to find the strongest, as Paska, Salo and Kovbasa were enjoyed.

Ukrainian Easter Blessing at Hallmuir PoW Chapel Lockerbie, Ukrainian POW Chapel, Ukrainian Easter, Hallmuir Chapel, Priest blessing

Amidst the sharing of the traditional Ukrainian Easter Breakfast, visitors embarked on tours of another of the former barracks. This large space is currently undergoing reconstruction to transform it into a community hub for local Ukrainian diaspora.

An absolutely amazing day at the Chapel today. Celebrating Easter and the Chapel was packed with some having to stand outside. I haven't seen those numbers in 40 years since I was an altar boy there. Wonderful to see our community sharing food and a couple drinks, along with the usual teas and coffees. Definitely had a lump in my throat.

Stefan Danczak, volunteer at the Chapel


About the Hallmuir Chapel

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Built by Ukrainian prisoners of war during World War II, the Hallmuir POW Chapel is a testament to resilience, faith and Ukrainian history in the United Kingdom. 

Places like this invaluable Chapel, preserving Ukrainian history and culture in the UK, thrive with our support. Learn more about their work with our blog post here. If you’re in the area and fancy a visit, message their Facebook page and Stefan will kindly open up and show you around. You can also stay connected and informed by following their Facebook page for regular updates on the work they carry out.

Photos by Clarke Studios.