Ready to immerse yourself in the rich culture of Ukraine, right in the heart of Copenhagen? Here at Little Ukrainian Blog, we make it our mission to find the best Ukrainian restaurants, cultural centres and businesses whilst on our travels so you don’t have to! You may have already stumbled upon our Restaurants section, and now, we’re thrilled to bring you our latest discovery – Ukraine House in Denmark

During our recent short stay in Copenhagen we came across ‘Ukraine House in Denmark,’ which described itself as “the home of Ukrainian culture” in the country. As we were visiting in April, we were hoping to get a glimpse of their Pysanky exhibition, but unfortunately we missed the event by just a couple of days. 


The Centre

The building was straight forward to find but was undergoing renovations work on the outside façade. Google maps provided clear directions and it was a pleasant walk from the main tourist area.


We were warmly greeted by two volunteers, a mother and daughter, and paid 50DKK per person (approx. £6). After a chat about the current political situation and on-going events, we walked around the exhibition and took various photos.

The building is very well maintained and spacious; two floors alongside a cloakroom and toilet area. There is also an well stocked gift shop that sells all sorts of Ukrainian items; including books of various languages, arts and crafts, branded items, and vinyl records. The space is used for hosting various cultural events and it is clear there is enough space and facilities to do so.

As we began walking around the exhibition, we were struck by the stark reminder of how war is still affecting ordinary people. Yet despite this sombre tone, there was a sense of hope that uplifted us all. Read on as we share our journey through Ukrainian artistic expression, where reality meets art in the most powerful way.



A Ukrainian Wartime Exhibition

The Muses Are Not Silent” is an exhibition curated by Pavlo Gudimov (Павло Гудімов), a Ukrainian musician and founder of “Ya Gallery“. It highlights Ukrainian art during a time of war, and showcases the work of over fifty Ukrainian artists. 

Ukraine House in Denmark

The artwork on display is not limited to drawings, collages and paintings. There is also a mix of sculptures and electronic media, 

Ukraine House in Denmark
Wood sculptures by Konstantin Zorkin (2022)
Ukraine House in Denmark
Acrylics on Canva by Vlad Kryshovsky (2022)
2D Artwork

A series of striking multi-media artworks which are on display.


We also viewed also a fantastic collection from Ukrainian sculptors, such as Volodymyr Semkiv, Vladyslav Yudin, and Mykola Malyshko.


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It is clear this group of volunteers are very active in not only promoting the Ukrainian culture, but also with seeking ways of collaborating with the local communities and strengthening cultural connections.

Ukraine House in Denmark

For more information on this amazing cultural centre in Copenhagen be sure to follow their social media and stay in the loop!